Friday, 18 January 2019

ShutApp Save battery by closing apps 2019


ShutApp helps you close all the apps that are running in the background so they stop wasting your smartphone battery and bandwidth. With just one click, all those apps will be closed in a matter of seconds. The best part is that the apps that are shut down remain that way until you open them up again. 

From the drop down menu located at the left side of the screen, you can configure your blank list. All the apps in this blank list won’t be closed when you click on the ShutApp button, which personalizes your experience even more.

According to the developers, ShutApp is ‘truly a battery saving app’... and it really is. Depending on the number of apps that are usually running on the background, one tap in ShutApp gives you quite a few minutes of battery life. The best free Android apps for going camping When good weather shows its shy face, the hikers come out to play. Camping – either in the backcountry or on campgrounds – is one of the most alluring activities of the season. Whether you're at the beach or in the mountains far from civilization, it's always nice to have a bit a help from your smartphone with apps for geolocation services, weather, battery savings, or first aid tips

Download ShutApp

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