Thursday, 7 February 2019

Smart Lockscreen protector application download

Smart Lockscreen protector

Ram cleaners must exclude my app
Android M introduced doze and may affect the app from running on background, some users added to the "whitelist" or not optimize for better performance

The first app to fix a security flag from your android, prevent to unwanted users turn off, mute or set airplane your device when they are in the lockscreen and bypassing the code.
*This app will not block for Long press power button (10 seconds) since its hardware related.*
"Ideal for avoiding shut down the device in the pocket"

*This app can block status bar (it may not work on all devices) only in the lockscreen
* Battery Friendly
*Small and compact
* Useful for security apps like Cerberus or find your phone from Google, you don't want people can turn off the device so easily.

Download Smart Lockscreen



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